Location of Wreck / Murder
Happy Valley
Page 255:
at the junction of the Karen and Ngong roads; asphalt now
St Andrew's Church, a few yards from the old murram pit (not there back in 1941)
google maps in 2020 show the St Andrews Church located well away from this intersection;
2.4 miles from Broughto's Marula Manor, to the southwest;
Happy Valley
- first time it was really mentioned page 23
- given the name in the early 1920s
- anywhere between the Aberdares and the town of Gilgil on the plain might have qualified for Happy Valley
- real center: beside the Wanjohi river which ran down from Kipipiri - the mountain that stood at tis head -- which joined the Aberdare escarpment by a saddle-shaped cedar forest;
- description of this beautiful garden of Eden, p. 23
Doddington: Cheshire, England, Doddington: Delamere's estate
Rongai: Sir Francis Scott and Lady Eileen Francis; built in 1922
- northwest of Nairobi, on north spur of the railroad
- in the valley
- to the northeast: Mt Kenya
- to the south: the Aberdare mountain ridge which runs northwest to southeast
- new arrival; arrived at age 32; arrived in 1920;
- a "veranda farmer" -- typical of the settlers that arrived after the war
- an old Etonian
- many thousands of acres at Burgeret, near Nanyuk, at the foothills of the Aberdares;
- last stop on the north spur of the railroad
- south shores of Lake Naivasha
- not sure what page first mentioned, but index first entry for page 46; mentioned much earlier than this; description begins page 45 when Erroll and new wife Molly move into Molly's home she got in divorce from Ramsay-Hill;
- Erroll inherits this mansion through his wife, Molly; from Ramsay-Hill;
- northwest of Gilgil
- p. 16: Delamere's cattle estate
- p. 56: Broughton stays with Delamere and Gwladys when Brougthon arrives in Kenya, 1928, when he met Erroll at Muthaiga
Marula Manor:
- I don't think this is named in the book; not in the index; not found with word search;
- Broughton's home in Karen;
- 2.4 miles from the site of the crash; south of the Ngong Road
- Muthaiga Country Club: most exclusive of them all; description begins page 23;
- young French visitor: Count Frédéric de Janzé, described the club in Vertical Land;
- Evelyn Waugh mentioned again, p. 26
- Ali: a powerful Somali who ran the dining room
- annual Eton Ball
- Nairobi:
- The Norfolk Hotel
- run by a formidable lady known as "Auntie"
- "practically ran the country"
- Torr's Hotel: "Tart's Hotel"
- built by Gorgan in 1928
- thés dansants held each afternoon in the Palm Court lounge
By the early 1920s:
- livestock: Gilgil, Nakuru
- sheep and cattle: Naivasha
- coffee: Thika
- wheat: Njoro
- flax: Londiani, in the west
- peculiar to Kenya;
- Indian builders strained to imitate Edward Lutyens
- tiled roofs instead of corrugated iron, with open stone hearths and large, comfortable sitting roome;
- large verandas upported on brick pillars
- "Equatorial Ealing" -- James Cameron
- universal steel window frames; smallness of the windows themselves; gloominesss of the grey9sh-yelow stone
- large, magnificent gardens;
Gilgil, on the plain below the Kinankop, four separate polo fields
- chapter 4
- Joss and Molly tented there on safari
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